Saturday, June 20, 2009

Act 11 Counseling & Synthesis

Act 11 Counseling & Synthesis

Contact: Cynthia Russell PhD,. 203 377-2421

July 12, 2009 ‘Welcome Open Sunday’
Act 11 Counseling, & Synthesis; Stratford Center location
10:30-12 noon Welcoming circle; networking, bring a sandwich &
join us around the table. We serve coffee & cookies

Class for those interested in moving ahead in personal or
professional life, or creative retirement!!! 12:30-2:30
Fundraising for food pantries & children in distress

July 26 2009 CLASSICAL MUSIC JAM & POTLUCK 3-7 p.m.
RSVP for info. or to reserve your spot
Cynthia Russell PhD 203 377-2421

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

IWWG national news

Special Opening Weekend 80th Birthday Tribute to Anne Frank

Friday, June 12
Special Guest MAUREEN McNEIL
Director of Education of Anne Frank Center in NYC

Saturday, June 13
IWWG presents award-winning independent journalist and author
Keynote speaker for our 32nd annual
“Remember the Magic” Summer Conference (June 12-19, 2009)
at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY.

For complete press release, click on the following link:

Also, regarding Anne Frank, please read Elizabeth Donoghue's article on
The Huffington Post:

And a little local news.

If you aren't familiar with the name Jessica Brams, she is a member of the local
chapter of IWWG and founder of Westport Writers' Workshop. Of particular interest along with many other programs they have throughout the year is the Summer Creative Writing for Teens which begins on June 29th, 2009.

Westport Writers' Workshop
32 Webb Road
Westport, Connecticut 06880

For questions or more information see or contact Jessica Bram at (203) 227-3250 or

She has a fantastic newsletter that you should sign up for if you live in the area
or find the work of these workshops instructors of interest to you!