Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Announcing the 34th Annual Summer Conference! "Remember the Magic"

Announcing the 34th Annual Summer Conference!

"Remember the Magic"
June 24 - July 1, 2011

Yale University, New Haven, CT
505 College Street
New Haven, CT

Visit us online for more information!

Learn From Expert Workshop Directors:

Judy Adourian
Lynne Barrett
Susan Baugh
Linda Bergman
Rainelle Burton
Pat Carr
Zita Christian
Rachel de Baere
Marj Hahne
Lisa Dale Norton
Carol Peck
Natalie Reid
Eunice Scarfe
Linda Leedy Schneider
Judith Searle
Myra Shapiro
Susan Tiberghien
Anne Waldradt
Sheila Levine
Melissa Rosati
Carren Strock
Stephanie Alston-Nero
Jacqueline Aupetit
Joanne Hackett Ching
June Gould
Judith Huge
Jan Phillips
Mary Reynolds Thompson
Terry Apicella
Claudia Clemente
Judith Prest
Nina Reimer
Sandra Balint
Erika DeRuth

We are thrilled to invite you to join us for the IWWG's 34th Annual Summer Conference. This year the conference will take place at Yale University in New Haven, CT.

The first conference was held in 1978, long before the day of women's writing conferences, and has provided the best forum for women writers ever since. The conference features expert workshop directors available to help you grow through your writing.

Attend and further your personal growth and publication!

What you will learn...

Workshops at the Summer Conference include sessions on:

The Art and Craft of Writing
Marketing and Publishing
Contracts and Legal Issues
Critique Sessions
Transformation of Self
Non-Linear Knowledge
The Arts, The Body & Health

Who you will meet...

The Summer Conference is attended by women like you! Those who are interested in growing and empowering themselves through their writing. The Summer Conference encourages participation from members and non-members of the IWWG.

Unique Conference Format...

The Summer Conference allows you to build an experience custom fit to your needs. Drive in and stay for one day or make the commitment to spend the week with us and immerse yourself in your writing! Several packages are available to meet your unique needs. For details, visit us online.

Don't miss this unique learning opportunity!

Register Today

We look forward to seeing you in June.


Hannelore Hahn and Elizabeth Julia Stoumen
Founder, Executive Director and Associate Director

OPEN MIC NIGHTS at the Westport Writers' Workshop

Come share your work, and hear what your colleagues have been writing, at this relaxed and convivial evening of coffee, cookies and fellowship.

Thursday, March 10
7:30 p.m.

Thursday, March 24
7:30 p.m.

OPEN MIC NIGHTS at the Westport Writers' Workshop

Let your colleagues applaud and support you as you read a 10-minute selection from your work-in-progress.Or just come to listen, support your fellow writers, and be inspired.

Each reader will be allotted a maximum of 10 minutes. Please sign-up in advance by calling (203) 227-3250 to receive a time slot. Or you may sign up at the event, space permitting (pre-registration highly recommended).

These will be relaxed and social evenings. Admission charge $10, but if you sign up to read your work, bring your friends and supporters at no charge.

Coffee/tea, cookies and camaraderie are on the house.

WHEN:  Fiction/Non-fiction: Thursday, March 10 at 7:30 p.m., Poetry: Thursday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m.

WHERE: Westport Writers' Workshop 3 Sylvan Road South, Westport

COST: $10 to read your work or for walk-ins (space permitting). Free for WWW Members, guests of WWW workshop participants reading their work, or for anyone pre-registered who just comes to listen.

TO REGISTER: email or call (203) 227-3250.

Turning Points: Changing Lives One Event at a Time

We are seeking authors for a collaborative inspirational book, Turning Points: Changing Lives One Moment at a Time. Turning Points is a collection of vignettes from everyday people who have experienced extra ordinary results because of decisions they made to change their lives.

If you would like to share an experience and be part of this uplifting book that will inspire others to see their potential, contact us today.  For more information, visit

Thank you,
PC McCullough

Turning Points: Changing Lives One Event at a Time

Synthesis Classes at Act 11 Counseling, Stratford Center

Synthesis Classes at Act 11 Counseling, Stratford Center (next to the library)
All are taught by Psychosynthesis- trained counselors
Sat Mar 19; 10:30-3 "YOUR HIGHER SELF, & THE 'I-THOU' CONCEPT"
Sun Mar 20; 10:30-3 MINDFULNESS & OUR PLANET
modest fees & sliding scale
bring a sandwich -we serve coffee and cookies
for details and to reserve your space;
Cynthia Russell PhD (203) 377-2421

Blocked? How to Get Unstuck

Blocked? How to Get Unstuckwith Marcelle Soviero, MFA

Do you love to write but hate what happens when you sit down at the screen or page and nothing comes?

Are you ready to be re-energized and inspired?

In this workshop you will learn practical strategies to jumpstart your writing and overcome writer's block. Whether you are just beginning to write or are an experienced author, this relaxed, upbeat, hands-on workshop will help you achieve your writing goals.

Relevant to writers of all genres, we'll discuss specific strategies designed to lift the quantity and quality of your writing, particularly when you are stuck and can't seem to write at all. Some topics included are establishing the "writing habit," generating ideas, using prompts, and managing writing resistance in general. These will be applied to generating new material as well as the revision process.

The workshop is based on the best writing strategies culled from the experts as well as dozens of print and online resources. A comprehensive handout is included. In addition to our discussion, there will be three ten minute exercises.

So bring your notebook and get ready to set yourself on the perfect writer's path for the New Year!

Marcelle Soviero is a published poet and essayist. She has an MFA in creative writing from New York University and a BA in creative studies form Hofstra University. She leads two workshops for the Westport Writers' Workshp: Writing Your Memoir and Poetry of Everyday Life.

WHEN:  Saturday, Mar. 5, 9 a.m. to noon

WHERE:  Westport Writers' Workshop, 3 Sylvan Road South, Westport

COST: $125 or $110 for WWW members


About Marcelle Soviero, MFA

Marcelle Soviero is the author of The Body That Wants, an award winning poetry chapbook, and the essay Electronically Yours published in the New York Times. Her poems, and profiles and interviews have been published in dozens of literary magazines. She has published hundreds of nonfiction articles, including several cover stories for Popular Science magazine. Marcelle has a BA in Creative Studies from Hofstra University and an MFA in English/Poetry from New York University. She has lectured and taught at The New School, New York University, and in libraries, bookstores and school districts nationwide.

How To Register
Go directly to the Blocked? How To Get Unstuck link
to register by mail or with a credit card or PayPal.

Westport Writers' Workshop
3 Sylvan Road South
Westport, Connecticut 06880

For questions or more information see or contact Kathleen at (203) 227-3250 or