Story With Heart and Art Writing Workshop
4 Evening Sessions, 6-9 pm, Feb., March, April, & May 2008
Cost: $600
Whether you are dusting off a manuscript, re-envisioning a draft, or creating a first draft, this workshop will help sharpen your skills to write your story in your voice. In both fiction and nonfiction, we consider the story arc and the elements of fiction created by plot, character, setting, dialogue and point of view. Where is the dramatic tension of the beat? The scene? The story? Where is dramatic tension lacking? How do you create it? In each three hour session, participants will be given detailed critique of work submitted prior to class. Expect constructive criticism, encouragement AND community—meant to inspire participants to improve and move projects toward completion.
Participants will be asked to email drafts to instructor five days prior to workshop for initial reading and written critique. Writers will have also have opportunity/option for commentary on others’ work. Goal: to allow each member to share material each meeting, although no one is required to do so. Indeed, if life gets too busy for writing, do not stay away. Come for writing community and refocus. I may supplement meeting time with writing exercises designed to sharpen scenes and skills, tips on publishing, etc.
Instructor Biography:
Susanne Davis, (B.A. University of Connecticut; M.F.A. University of Iowa) teaches at the University of Connecticut, where she is Resident Director of the Summer Study Abroad Program to St. Petersburg, Russia. She is on the Connecticut Commission of Culture and Tourism’s roster of teaching artists. Author of numerous short stories published in such literary journals as Feminist Studies, Notre Dame Review, American Short Fiction, descant, Zone 3, St. Petersburg Review (forthcoming), Carve, Boston Annual Fiction Review and others, Susanne’s fiction has won awards and recognition including Hemingway First Novel Award, American Short Fiction contest, second place, mention as distinguished story in the Best American Short Stories series, finalist for both Brenda Ueland Prose Prize and Reynolds Price Short Fiction contest. Her work was featured at the 2006 Boston Fiction Festival and her recently completed novel, Gravity Hill, is under consideration for publication. For 2007-08 academic year, she is Visiting Writer for the Connecticut Writing Project at the University of Connecticut.
For more information, contact:
Susanne Davis
Words on Fire Studio Workshop, Storrs, CT
Words on Fire Studio Workshop, Storrs, CT
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