Monday, June 16, 2008

1-Day Workshop: Wheel of Ten (this Friday!)

WHEEL OF TEN: Essential Tools to Make Memoir and Fiction Come Alive
with Mary Carroll Moore

Friday, June 20, 2008
10 am - 4 pm
Workshop Fee $120 ($115 for returning Moore students)

Spend a lively day exploring the ins and outs of ten essential writing tools that professional writers never leave home without. Even one, well used, will bring new vibrancy to a not-quite-there-yet memoir, short story, or novel. Fun writing exercises, short readings, discussion will help us see new levels of these basic tools—how to use them, how they influence a writer’s voice and the success of a piece of writing, and why they must be considered for any good storytelling (true tales, faction, or fiction): action, dialogue, pacing, point of view, backstory, chronology, setting, motive, closeness/distance, and change. Bring a bag lunch and short piece of writing in progress to use during the exercises or start something new in class. For all skill levels.

Still a few places left. E-mail: or call 914-332-5953!

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