This Fall . . . I am delighted to share with you two innovative workshops that will inform, intrigue, inspire, help you heal, and give you a taste of my pioneering work.
Exploring The Roots of Prejudice
Recently I watched two movies in a day. One I was reviewing to possibly share with others. The other came to me on the heels of the first. They were both about prejudice in our world. They both moved me deeply. On the same day I saw several news stories about prejudice today. I walked through my day with my heart feeling the pain of the prejudice in our world and with the question running through my mind, heart, and body . . . Why do we have to do this over and over? From that day and that question, this workshop was birthed into being.
Whether we know it or not . . . whether we want to know it or not . . . we all have currents of prejudice within our psyches. The roots of prejudice, our own and that of others, are based not only in how we were educated and what was modeled for us…but also in more primal experiences from our childhood.
Where does our fear of those who are different from ourselves come from? How can we explore and heal our fear of “the other” and in doing so, heal prejudice in ourselves and our world?
In this unique and innovative workshop, participants will learn about the real roots of prejudice…and about the vast healing that is possible, individually and globally. The workshop will be part conceptual and part experiential – mostly experiential. Some participants will have the opportunity to actively explore the roots of their own prejudices in a piece of work with me. Others will have the chance to explore more receptively through witnessing others, sharing, and working within.
DATE: Saturday, October 23th, 2010, 1pm to 5pm
REGISTER BY: October 2
PLACE: Judith Barr’s Office, minutes from Route 25 and Brookfield Center.
FEE: $65
For more information or to register, please visit:
Aging is a challenging journey for most people. And now, as the baby boomers are beginning to “come of age” we are seeing just how challenging it is. Women aging but trying so to look younger and younger. Men aging but using Viagra and Cialis to try and stay “virile.” Men and women choosing much younger “trophy spouses” in order to appear younger themselves. Having plastic surgeries to erase the signs of aging. People lying about their ages. People buying endless, expensive products to do away with wrinkles and grey hair in an effort to appear more “youthful.” Many feeling "it's too late to . . ." do something or finish something they've always felt called to do. People, young and old, buying into ageist stereotypes: “old people drive slow, walk slow, are slow;” “old people eat tapioca, sleep a lot, are technologically backwards, and are closed minded about anything new;” “old people can’t hear, see, think.”
Many of my clients work with me about what aging brings up in them. Each one finds there are numerous roots . . . some individual and some cultural. But the central root for each of us is deeply related to the primal experiences we had early on in our lives.
Where does your fear of aging come from? How can we explore and heal our fear of “growing old” and in doing so, help to heal that fear not only in ourselves but also in our world?
In this ground-breaking workshop, participants will begin to explore their own fears about aging and contribute to healing their “aging issues,” both individually and on a global scale. The workshop will be mostly experiential and part conceptual. As time allows, participants who volunteer will have the opportunity to actively explore the roots of their own fears of aging in a piece of work with me, or to explore through witnessing others, sharing, and working within.
DATE: Sunday, November 14th, 2010, 1pm to 5pm
REGISTER BY: October 24
PLACE: Judith Barr’s Office, minutes from Route 25 and Brookfield Center.
FEE: $65
For more information or to register, please visit
Also . . . I am delighted to be able to share with you an interview I did with Bob Johnson for his show Authors on Deck, on both Blog Talk Radio and WPKN. You can hear this interview, on the subject of the real roots of tragedies like the recent shooting in Manchester, CT, at
Many blessings in your healing journey.
Judith Barr
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
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