Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Dreamwatch® Blog … the paranormal experiences of ordinary people has been online for nearly 15 years with stories submitted from at least 11 countries and 26 U.S. states. (Some stories are submitted anonymously so the totals are likely higher.) Dreamwatch stories rotate out with recent submissions at the page top; the oldest are removed. Most writers simply want to share their experience and know that someone believes them. Some are terrified and want the experiences to stop, but all want answers. Read what everyday people—like you and me—are writing about their psychic dreams, premonitions, ghost sightings, and more.

Dreamwatch Blog Launched July 29 2010. Over time (before blogs were invented), site visitors frequently asked for comments about their strange and sometimes frightening experiences. The new Dreamwatch blog opens that dialog. I’ll also be posting thoughts about supernatural subjects and about my fiction writing inspired by those interests. I’m currently revising a paranormal thriller. I intend to post weekly, maybe more often because people are writing about stunning supernatural experiences that I think you’ll want to read about.

I’ve been decluttering and cleaning up the pages of the Dreamwatch site while I work on a structural overhaul and redesign. As a graphic designer in my day job, the site design and web graphics come easy to me but mastering the new software technology for site construction and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been a frustrating trial of my patience. I hope to upload the new site by October 1.

More great news. I received the official certificate this month. Dreamwatch® is now a Registered Trademark.

Write about your paranormal experience, comment on a story, or just wish me luck.

Visit the Dreamwatch Site at:


The Dreamwatch Blog at:

Thank you all for your interest and support!

Kathryn Rose Orzech

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