Monday, November 26, 2007

Winter Words Writers Conference

Here is a great day-long Writers Conference at the Fairfield Public Library you won't want to miss!

December 1, 2007

Offering Aspiring Writers Valuable Advice, Inspiration

On Saturday, Dec. 1, Fairfield Library will host the Winter Words Writers Conference for writers from throughout Southwestern Connecticut and beyond. This day-long conference will provide aspiring writers with advice and expertise from more than 15 published novelists, nonfiction writers, memoirists, biographers and children's authors.

"Whether you have written a book, are writing a book, or have dreamed of writing one, here's your chance to learn up close from proven, professional writers how they made their literary dreams come true," says Eric Andren, President of the Board of the Friends of the Fairfield Library.

A nationally recognized expert and heavy-hitter in the world of book publishing, Sara Nelson, editor-in-chief of the influential Publishers Weekly, will be keynote speaker at the conference.

Designed to attract writers and aspiring writers from throughout Connecticut and beyond, the Fairfield Public Library's day-long Winter Words Writers Conference will include, in addition to the keynote address by Ms. Nelson, a full day of panel discussions, book signings, and an opportunity for writers to have their manuscripts reviewed by professional freelance editorial consultants, in addition to breakfast and lunch.

"Whether you have written a book, are writing a book, or have dreamed of writing one, here's your chance to learn up close from proven, professional writers how they made their literary dreams come true," says Eric Andren, President of the Board of the Friends of the Fairfield Library.

In her keynote address entitled, "Where Is Publishing Going in the 21st Century?" Sara Nelson will discuss coming trends that no writer can afford to ignore. She will discuss why the centuries-old printed book continues to hold strong, even in a world where writing is increasingly referred to as "content" and the Internet has become a dominant medium for news.

Sara Nelson became editor-in-chief of Publishers Weekly in 2005, after serving as the Book Beat columnist for the New York Post. She appears regularly on radio and television networks and programs, including NPR, Air America, CNN, Entertainment Tonight, Today and Good Morning America.

Following Ms. Nelson's keynote, attendees will soak up advice and expertise from more than 15 published novelists, nonfiction writers, memoirists, biographers and children's authors. They will be able to choose from among 12 panel discussions on topics ranging from "Writing Without Starving," "Tapping Your Funny Bone," and "Writing for Children" to "How Editors Think" and "Breaking In: Selling That First Book." (See below for a complete list of panels.)

Authors presenting at the conference will include Tony Abbott, Prill Boyle, Jessica Bram, Da Chen, Leslie Connor, Lucy Ferris, Linda Urbach Howard, Karen E. Olson, Steve Otfinoski, Nina Nelson, Rita Papazian, Matthew Sharpe, Charlie Slack, Jane Stern, and Logan Ward.

As a special feature, the conference will also provide writers with a rare opportunity to have their manuscripts reviewed by professional editors, for an additional $25 fee. Freelance editorial consultants Marcela Landres, formerly of Simon Schuster, and Eileen Robinson, formerly of Scholastic, will review a limited number of manuscripts and meet with writers during the conference. Manuscripts intended for adults, children, and young adult readers may be submitted.

The Winter Words Writers Conference will take place on Saturday, Dec. 1. at the Fairfield Library, 1080 Old Post Road in Fairfield, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration for the conference is $50 payable to the Friends of the Fairfield Public Library and includes a light breakfast and lunch. The manuscript review service is an additional $25.

Proceeds from the conference will benefit Friends of the Fairfield Library.

More information is available by calling the Fairfield Public Library at 255-3160 or at

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Choose from the Following Panels:

11 a.m. to Noon:

* Great Dialogue
* I Remember When (on memoir writing)
* Living the Adventure (on writing about experience)

1-2 p.m.

* The Children's Hour (on writing for children or young adults)
* Tapping Your Funny Bone (humor writing)
* Breaking In (on getting published)

2:15- 3:15 p.m.

* Writing Without Starving
* How Editors Think
* Plot Your Course to Success

3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

* The Lives of Others: Biography
* Passionate about Writing for Children: How to Begin, the Market, the Process

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