Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trish Lapidus's Kitchen Table Writing Group in New Haven

Dear Writing Sisters,

I am starting a kitchen table writing group this fall. I offer to host the group in my home on the first Sunday afternoon (second Sunday if the first is a holiday) of each month from 3:00 to 5:00pm. I live in the Westport area of New Haven at 33 Farnham Avenue, Apt 40 just before you get to Southern CT State U. Easy to get to from Route 15 and from Whalley Avenue. As a landmark, I live within easy walking distance of the face of West Rock Ridge.

Please let me know if you would be interested in writing and sharing around my kitchen table. Also, if you know of other women who would be interested, please pass the word. I will also ask Elizabeth Julia to post this notice in the next issue of Network, the newsletter of the Guild.

Patricia/Trish Lapidus
Writing Consultant, Life Coach, Author

Including Sweet Potato Suppers, a New eBook
and Long Awaited, Swamp Walking Woman


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