Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blocked? How to Get Unstuck

Blocked? How to Get Unstuckwith Marcelle Soviero, MFA

Do you love to write but hate what happens when you sit down at the screen or page and nothing comes?

Are you ready to be re-energized and inspired?

In this workshop you will learn practical strategies to jumpstart your writing and overcome writer's block. Whether you are just beginning to write or are an experienced author, this relaxed, upbeat, hands-on workshop will help you achieve your writing goals.

Relevant to writers of all genres, we'll discuss specific strategies designed to lift the quantity and quality of your writing, particularly when you are stuck and can't seem to write at all. Some topics included are establishing the "writing habit," generating ideas, using prompts, and managing writing resistance in general. These will be applied to generating new material as well as the revision process.

The workshop is based on the best writing strategies culled from the experts as well as dozens of print and online resources. A comprehensive handout is included. In addition to our discussion, there will be three ten minute exercises.

So bring your notebook and get ready to set yourself on the perfect writer's path for the New Year!

Marcelle Soviero is a published poet and essayist. She has an MFA in creative writing from New York University and a BA in creative studies form Hofstra University. She leads two workshops for the Westport Writers' Workshp: Writing Your Memoir and Poetry of Everyday Life.

WHEN:  Saturday, Mar. 5, 9 a.m. to noon

WHERE:  Westport Writers' Workshop, 3 Sylvan Road South, Westport

COST: $125 or $110 for WWW members


About Marcelle Soviero, MFA

Marcelle Soviero is the author of The Body That Wants, an award winning poetry chapbook, and the essay Electronically Yours published in the New York Times. Her poems, and profiles and interviews have been published in dozens of literary magazines. She has published hundreds of nonfiction articles, including several cover stories for Popular Science magazine. Marcelle has a BA in Creative Studies from Hofstra University and an MFA in English/Poetry from New York University. She has lectured and taught at The New School, New York University, and in libraries, bookstores and school districts nationwide.

How To Register
Go directly to the Blocked? How To Get Unstuck link
to register by mail or with a credit card or PayPal.

Westport Writers' Workshop
3 Sylvan Road South
Westport, Connecticut 06880

For questions or more information see or contact Kathleen at (203) 227-3250 or

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