Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Mom, Dad and the Divine: Healing Your Relationship with The Divine"

In a time when clarifying
our relationship with the Divine is crucial
for our own lives and the life of our world . . .



DATE: Saturday, November 1, 2008TIME: 9am-1pmPLACE: Brookfield, ConnecticutCOST:
Before October 10: $155After October 10: $180
Led by Judith Barr atBrookfield, CT

Mom, Dad, and The Divine:
Healing Your Relationship with The Divine
4 Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) Available!*

Our connection with The Divine as we know it - often called Divine Mystery - is the essence of who we are. Without realizing it, we hold distorted images of the Divine - images based on our childhood experiences with authority. This causes pain and angst within us. And it causes great pain in the world outside and around us. Look at the wars in the name of religion that have taken place for thousands of years!

In order to be more fully connected with Spirit, we need to know about and heal these images. This workshop will help you become aware of what you feel about The Divine - even feelings you don't yet know you have - in order to begin healing and be even more connected with the Divine as you know it.

SATURDAY MORNING, November 1, 2008, 9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM *

COST: Before October 10: $155 After October 10: $180 Register by October 22, 2008.

REGISTRATION ENDS WEDNESDAY, October 22, 2008. A commitment to this workshop is necessary. Your nonrefundable deposit in the full amount of the fee needs to be received by OCTOBER 22, 2008. For the before-October-10th fee, your nonrefundable deposit in the full amount of the fee ($155) needs to be received by October 10th. To register, include the name of the workshop, your name, address, phone & email address, and if you would like CEU's for your participation.

Please make your check payable to Judith Barr and send to P.O. Box 603, Brookfield, CT 06804. For credit card registration, go to www.PowerAbusedPowerHealed.com (Click on the "Consultation and Speaking Engagements" button. Scroll down to the images of credit cards and PayPal and follow the instructions.)

For more information, please call Judith Barr directly at 203-775-5006.

* Co-Sponsored by Connecticut Mental Health Counselors Association (CMHCA) Judith Barr, Workshop Presenter. The workshop is cosponsored by CMHCA, a division of the Connecticut Counseling Association. The Connecticut Counseling Association is recognized
by the National Board for Certified Counselors to offer continuing education for Nationally Certified Counselors. Provider Number 2007. We adhere to NBCC Continuing Education guidelines. 4 CEUs (contact hours) are available for LPCs and NCCs for this workshop.

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