Friday, December 5, 2008



one-day memoir workshop with Mary Carroll MooreFriday, December 12, 2009
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Hudson Valley Writers' Center, Sleepy Hollow, NY (near Tarrytown)

Whether you are trying to write the story of your life for publication or as a family legacy, this workshop by the author of two memoirs will show you how to organize your stories into a readable, interesting work. You will be introduced to a simple formula that successful authors use to plan, organize, and write a book, and you will learn book-writing techniques such as the value of themes and how action and reflection balance one another in memoir and creative nonfiction. Exercises will help you put your learning into practice immediately.

Fee: $120 Returning Moore students deduct $5To register, call the Hudson Valley Writers Center at 914-332-5953 or email

Instructor bio: Mary Carroll Moore is the author of two forthcoming books (Qualities of Light, a novel, to be published by Spinsters Ink in 2009, and How to Plan, Write, and Develop a Book, to be published by Riverbed Press in 2009) and eleven other books in three genres. She's a writing coach and teacher, book doctor for major publishing houses, and a former nationally syndicated columnist for the Los Angeles Times.

She's been featured in The New York Times, USA Today, and other media. Over 300 of her columns, articles, essays, short stories, and poetry have appeared in publications worldwide. Her short stories have won awards in national fiction contests with Glimmer Train Press, Santa Fe Writers, and other publications.

“Breathing Room,” a chapter of her second novel, was a finalist in the 2001 Loft Mentor Series Awards and won an honorable mention in the 2005 McKnight Awards for creative prose. She teaches at the Loft Literary Center, Studios at Key West, and Hudson Valley Writers' Center. Her website is

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