Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Karen Rider's News

I have a feature fiction piece coming out in Om Times digital magazine in the DEC 15 and JAN 1 issues. The story is "The Parade" It is a visionary short story:

"I really enjoyed The Parade. There are spiritual instructions on how to achieve wellbeing, happiness and success. Your writing is very descriptive, it captured my imagination and pulled me into the story. In your writing, you use your metaphysical knowledge in a creative and enlightening way."

Ingride Elguleta, Canada

Visitors to my website who sign-up for my e-newsletter will receive a personal copy of the story and the interpretation of the symbolic imagery— spiritual, angelic and metaphysical— depicted in the story.

Also, recently published in Om Times is an article, "Menopausal Madness". In the Cromwell Chronicle in December 2011 issue: "2012: Beginning of the End or Just the Beginning"

My website:

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